Hawaii A Voice for Sovereignty

joins “Occupy the Rose Parade”

Pasadena, CA


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The Occupy Wall Street movement, which is raising awareness of returning democracy back to the people around the globe also carries many of the messages of the indigenous people of the world. Our ability to prosper with a sustainable lifestyle has been stolen from us by corporate interests. Itʻs time to listen to the wisdom of the earthʻs indigenous people and chart a new future for our planet.

Native Hawaiian's have occupied  their land in peace with aloha since the illegal takeover of Hawaii by US Marines and sugar barons in 1893. Queen Liliuokalani never gave up the rights of the Hawaiian Kingdom but stepped aside to avoid bloodshed of her people. She steadfastly believed the US would do the right thing and de-occupy the Hawaiian islands. Today, Hawaii and its people are still exploring ways to have their kingdom and land returned. They speak out in the documentary film, "Hawaii A Voice For Sovereignty." This 7-time award winning film will soon be released. www.hawaiiavoiceforsovereignty.com.

Facebook: Hawaii A Voice For Sovereignty.

Hollywood Fund Raiserhttp://www.catherinebauknight.com/funds.htm
Maui Film Festival 2007http://www.catherinebauknight.com/filmfestival.htm
YouTube Channelhttp://www.youtube.com/voiceforsovereignty
Funding Datahttp://www.catherinebauknight.com/data.html
Contact Infohttp://www.catherinebauknight.com/contact.html

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